VRABE Regional Adult Based Education

Student Partnership Agreement


Student Commitment Form

With a rich variety of no-cost academic programs, VRABE brings exciting learning opportunities to adults in our 14-town region. Our mission is to offer dynamic, multicultural services in an atmosphere of respect, appreciation, and acceptance of all. Join us to further your education, enhance your career growth, and pursue success both personally and professionally!


As a VRABE student I realize that achieving success is a partnership between myself and VRABE, and that each
has responsibilities as well as rewards. Therefore,

I agree to:

  1. Complete registration process by:
    1. submitting a registration form;
    2. providing a valid government issued I.D;
    3. providing a transcript for CDP program;
    4. providing a withdraw if 17 or 18 years old;
    5. providing a proof of address within the VRABE district
  2. Complete a pretest and a post test (after 40 hours of class instruction) both of which are required by the State of Connecticut;
    1. Call or text within 24 hours of scheduled to test, if you need to reschedule your assessment;
    2. If you have missed 3 tests and have not contacted VRABE, you will be removed from the program for the remainder of the trimester;
  3. Comply with attendance requirements:
    1. Text or call VRABE to inform them of absence;
    2. Three absences without a text or call results in removal from the class for the remainder of the trimester;
  4. Provide notice of known extended absences;
  5. Return any borrowed equipment within two weeks of completion of course, and undamaged;
  6. Complete an exit survey


VRABE agrees to:

  1. Provide academic guidance for placement in the appropriate program;
  2. Provide assistance in completing all registration and other forms if requested;
  3. Respond within 24 business hours to any inquiries or requests;
  4. Provide professional referrals for any other student needs (ex: First Choice Health);
  5. Provide academic support through our Student Success Center;
  6. Provide assistance with college applications, scholarship applications, and FAFSA preparation;
  7. Provide additional courses and workforce development opportunities;
  8. Provide school supplies for learning as necessary, including textbooks (GED book $25 deposit), loaner TI30-XS calculator ($20 deposit) and loaner Chromebooks ($25 deposit);
  9. Communicate regularly and frequently during business hours;
  10. Maintain respectful and professional behaviors 

I, agree to meet the expectations set forth above.
Email *
Student Signature *